Thats not Ray Comfort....thats Matt Dillahunty
This is Ray Comfort I thought that sounded a bit weird
Thats not Ray Comfort....thats Matt Dillahunty
This is Ray Comfort I thought that sounded a bit weird
yeah i'll admit that i think people who think they talk to god or believe in a superpower is freaking nuts!.
but i'm a freaking nut too.
i seriously believe that there must be alien life out there!
Yeah but at the end of the day, you're willing to concede that you just don't know. It's exhausting to feel the need to vehemently defend beliefs based on faith in the face of scientific fact and being freed of that has been the best form of liberty - at least in my case
You arent admitting you dont are saying you are right based on scientific fact.
Well I would question your fact. Just put a bunch of scientists together and see how much they agree with each other. They all present their own version of FACT. They may occasionally agree on some things but you still won't get 100% agreement.
So to me this is just as much an act of faith...which scientist do you want to believe? Which ones do you want to put your faith in?
At least NomadSoul chooses his beliefs but doesn't claim that they are based on any facts.
and if so, would that prove an existence of evil-spirits (demons)?.
i have heard of a couple of stories of possession, or of jw's talking to spiritists and the spiritists having seen 2 men following the jw, either dressed all in black, or all in white, and very strong looking.
yet, i have never experienced any of it.. another experience that i heard is about a brother whose mom had super-natural strength, and tossed something really heavy.
lovelylil for what its worth, I believe you. I didn't make up my story either.
I know what you mean about mothers sensing things with their children. I don't know what you call that sort of experience but I have had that too.
When my daughter was very young I always used to wake up a few seconds before her and just know she was going to cry. She always did. I can't explain what that knowing feels like. But its as sure as knowing you are alive.
I woman I worked with years ago was deaf and her husband was too. When I asked her how she managed when her two children were babies she actually said the same thing to me. She used to wake up and go to get them and they would wake as soon as she got there. I don't know how you explain that type of thing.
I even have similar things with my partner and he does with me. More often than not when we text each other we will pick up our phones before the text comes through. Like we already know they sent it.
and if so, would that prove an existence of evil-spirits (demons)?.
i have heard of a couple of stories of possession, or of jw's talking to spiritists and the spiritists having seen 2 men following the jw, either dressed all in black, or all in white, and very strong looking.
yet, i have never experienced any of it.. another experience that i heard is about a brother whose mom had super-natural strength, and tossed something really heavy.
I didn't see any UFO's or have meetings with Muhammad. But I did have this experience. The next morning I doubted myself that it had happened but the person I was with went through the experience with me. There was no getting away from it. We had experienced the same thing.
Synchronised schizophrenia maybe? who knows, that in itself would be an interesting phenomenon.
Personally I would rather not have ever had the experience at all. I'm kind of sorry I shared that story here because I really didn't need to have anyone insinuate that I might have a mental illness. Its not something I go around inferring to people.
Just because people may have met someone who had a mental illness and experienced strange things does not mean that all people who experience strange things have a mental illness.
the following is only my own personal analysis.. take it or leave it.
but, by all means jump in and have a say.. .
i think more and more we are losing our grasp on a wonderful venue at jw-net.. as a discussion board, i mean.. at one time, there were a great many wonderful and interesting discussions by a variety of persons with varied backgrounds having a good.
I think most of the "facts" are really just opinions that people have an emotional connection to.
If these so called facts really were facts then everyone would agree. But they don't, they come up with opposing facts........
So no matter how factual the discussion is, it is predominately based on opionion.
the us embassy over ran, 12 kill in retaliation for the burning.
of the qur'an by that nut job here in the us.. a few questions, first of all the qur'an that was burn, was.
it the original copy, no.
burn book...+....murder...+....retaliate....= Right?
I don't think so.
No wonder this world is such a mess.
and if so, would that prove an existence of evil-spirits (demons)?.
i have heard of a couple of stories of possession, or of jw's talking to spiritists and the spiritists having seen 2 men following the jw, either dressed all in black, or all in white, and very strong looking.
yet, i have never experienced any of it.. another experience that i heard is about a brother whose mom had super-natural strength, and tossed something really heavy.
I have had a few strange experiences over the years. But the strangest by far was about 25 years ago.
I was staying with a friend and we were lying in bed chatting. Before we knew what was happening we had stopped talking and were feeling very serene. Even though we were lying in the dark, the room appeared to be getting lighter to the point that we could see everything very clearly as if there was a dim light on.
This all felt and seemed perfectly normal while it was happening but the furniture in the room was no longer the same. It looked like someone elses room and felt like we werent even in the same era. Everything looked very old fashioned.
Then I had the overwhelming feeling that something was going to happen. A figure appeared dressed in a white garment. I don't know if it was male or female because I couldn't see the face clearly.
This was when I began to panic and realised something wasn't right. Then we both discovered we were unable to move. We were literally feeling like we were being held down on the bed, Like our bodies were frozen. All I wanted to do was get up and turn on the light. I'm not sure why, but I felt like doing that would end what was happening.
Finally I managed to get out of bed and head towards the light switch across the room. Something tried to prevent me from doing this too. As soon as I started walking, I was walking down corridoors that kept turning and I seemed to be walking forever. Eventually I reached the light switch and everything seemed to end.
Afterwards my, friend asked my why I was walking round and round the room in a type of square and I told him about the corridoor. He said that made sense because that was what it looked like I was doing.
The whole experience was very scary, and if I hadn't been with someone who experienced it with me I might have thought I was dreaming or something. I don't know how long the whole thing lasted but I think it was quite a while before we actually realised what was going on. Later I discovered that other people that stayed in this rental house liked to dabble in seances etc.
A year or so later I was flatting in another old house and had strange experiences there too. Also in this house people were dabbling with Tarot cards etc. So I can only guess that because of what was happening around me I was attracting these things.
The only thing I can say for sure about any experinces I have had is that they are not good. I think evil attracts them and I say this because people I had lived with were doing bad things. Gang involvement, A flatmate I discovered later, had raped someone I knew. And hard drug users.
This was not a result of drug use for me. I was straight, my friend was straight and as I said we experienced this together.
There is not a person in this world that can convince me after all this that evil does not exist, I have experienced it first hand. For me the only thing that stops these things from happening is prayer. I pray to god to protect me. This gives me peace.
For people that have never experienced anything strange like this I would say you are very fortunate. There is nothing as horrible as feeling and being that close to evil.
...amongst both jws and ex-jws, i'm sure.
i'm planning to get back into therapy to deal with my self-esteem issues, and to stay the heck away from emotionally abusive women.
which, given my apparent magnetism to them, logically means all women by extension, as i can't seem to see the train until it's two feet in front of me.
It takes two people to make a bad relationship. No one can do that on their own.
I have been through a divorce and had a lot of guilt for a long time as it was me that instigated the proceedings. However, I no longer take full responsibilty for ending the marriage. We were both responsible for that. We were both unhealthy in our own ways.
My advise, if its worth anything, is seek professional help. It does work. If you don't find someone you feel comfortable talking to the first time just keep looking. Just like we don't get on with everyone in this world, the same applies to therapists. Find one you like and can build trust in.
speaking of the supernatural... if you do not already fully understand the beginning and development of the freemasons you might want to watch this 2005 series of videos (each about 10 minutes or less):.
i realize many of you already know that pastor russell who birthed the jws was a freemason.
so i thought you may find this of interest.. satinka.
will have a look at these later when I've a bit more time. cheers
these are some things i have been thinking about .
.. when i first found this site i registered immediately ... never was a "lurker" ... and i've been here about six months.. everyone was very warm welcoming and i felt at home very quickly ... very pleasant at the time, but as time has progressed i look back and feel a bit "love-bombed" ... much like a religion i used to belong to.. i have found that this site is a bit "cliquey" ... groups of posters frequent at similar times and enjoy their familiarity with each other and that's great ... but they also sometimes exhibit a coolness toward those outside their clique ... almost as if your 'post count' is the first thing by which you are "judged" ... much like a religion i used to belong to.
some posters develop a personal dislike for others and not only jump on their threads but even deliver the odd "slap" on unrelated threads to increase the discomfort for the object of their dislike ... not unlike a religion i once belonged to.. some posters even follow others around the board looking to counter or use snide or clever put downs at every opportunity ... a kind of intellectual "rivalry" that was common to those in that religion i used to belong to.. many posters like to use 'in-house' jargon and labels eg; "newbies" for those recently joined.
sizemik - good points that you started this thread with. Something to keep in mind while visiting here. Sorry to see you go. I am just new here but have enjoyed the balance you bring.
This really isn't a place for the faint hearted I have to say. Sometimes it seems more like a battle ground.
It facinates me how people who have come from the same or similar backgrounds go in such different directions.
It saddens me to see how religions turn people away from God. But everyone has their own search to do and I accept that.
The anger I have is towards religion, not towards people here but I have to say I probably get a bit hot under the collar myself at comments made. Normally only because religious/atheist beliefs are being pushed as fact. Thats my thing anyway.
So I wish you all the best.....I will probably be here for a while least until I don't need to be anymore.
Loves to ya